Why support Young Athletes?

Our current sponsors

Equipment Prices

Inflation impacts everyone. The cost of equipment is extremely high. While baseball players have less equipment than other sports, it’s still a challenge for some families to afford everything they need.


Time INvestment

Competitive travel sports are a huge time commitment. Youth athletes train 4-5 days a week on top of school work. Parents are required to transport their players to and from practice. This takes time away from work and other opportunities to make money.


Nutrition Costs

Elite level athletes work extremely hard multiple days a week. In order to maximize performance, athletes require a high number of nutrients and calories. On average an athlete’s grocery bill will be double that of a normal highschool student.


community impact

Your sponsorships directly support the local sports community in a positive way. By helping fund our program or a player within our program, you're helping to provide opportunity for youth athletes all over Philadelphia.


Lifelong partnerships

When a company or brand decides to sponsor a youth sports team, it demonstrates that they support youth sports, understand its benefits, and genuinely care about the community. This can instill loyalty amongst the players and parents associated with those teams and your brand. If your company sponsors a Little League or Pop Warner team, the children and families may be more willing to choose your products and services over a competitor long after their season ends.